Comparison Chart of Sales

Adolescent Tobacco Use Prevention Program (ATUPA)

Tobacco sales inspections were conducted in over 400 stores in the county by youth compliance workers. There has been a decrease in the number of violations over the past 5 years (see Figure 10). Total number of compliance checks often exceeds number of total facilities due to the program conducting compliance checks by minors, compliance checks by adults and second inspections (with minor) on facilities with previous sales.

ATUPA 5 Year Comparison

Grant Year 10/03 – 9-04 10/04 – 9/05 10/05 – 9/07 10-06 – 9/07 10/07 – 9/08 TOTAL
# of Facilities 499 469 443 430 409 N/A
# of inspections 565 520 520 617 409 2,631
# of sales  128  48 33 48 39 296